Our Concept
What is the ticket price?
Simple. Tickets are £45,000 per technology per flight and your ticket will buy your in-flight test data delivered to your door.
Tickets include pre-flight test CONOPS preparations, technology integration, launch, in-orbit test operations and test data delivery. We carry out your test, optimising the multi-passenger mission plan, delivering the resulting data to you.
What can I fly?
Simple. You can apply for a ticket to fly any technology.​
We will group applications according to compatibility with other passengers on a standard satellite platform, so there are more spaces available for our smaller and less demanding passengers than for our larger ones. Our first flight, Give Me Some Space! will be a 12U small satellite platform so you are only likely to be accommodated if you are able to take up a volume no greater than 2U or 3U (roughly the size of a wine bottle). But you really can propose anything, and our team will aim to get you on a flight.
When will I fly?
​Simple. Next Year.
Our launch brokers ensure the lowest cost launch with the aim to go in 2025, with the only mandate to get our satellite into an orbit that can allow all the passenger tests to be completed.
Our Team
Third Planet Orbital
Satellite Provider
Commercial Space Technologies
Launch Broker
Selection Criteria
Any UK company can apply, and final down selection will be based on supporting our mission of getting as many UK scale-ups to space as we can. We do expect to have multiple future missions and our ambition is to get everyone’s tech into space. Those with the best chance of getting on the first mission will have:
Majority of production / delivery capability within the UK.
A product or service that is at least TRL7 and ready to fly by Q1 2025.
Passengers looking to procure TRL9 products / services.
Be an SME and/or have a clear justification for deserving a ticket.
Limited or no existing space heritage.
Volume and power requirements that facilitate the accommodation of multiple payloads on a 12U or 16U bus (lower volume and power increases chances of securing the first flight).
A specific and closed-ended test (shorter duration likely increases chances of securing the first flight).