Exotopic brings science and technology to market for economic and societal benefit. By advancing science and technology into the hands of people we will create a more connected and prosperous society.
Our entrepreneurial team of sector experts delivers growth for the public and private sectors across critical future technology domains. Focussing on bringing investment to drive science & technology development, creating commercially sustainable businesses in emerging sectors, providing strategic insights to unlock new opportunities and delivering specialist training to meet the demands of our future society.
Andy Grey
Founder and CEO
Dan Veal
Principal Investigator
Conrad Gillespie
Principal Investigator
Rosie Cane
Knowledge Catalyst
Sara Lai
Research Scientist
Rory Phelan
Innovation Catalyst
Rachel Forster
Innovation Catalyst
Dario Grazioli
Research Scientist
Holly Worrall
Research Scientist
Nigel McLean
Head of Projects
Lucy Osborne
Research Scientist
Piero Lion Stoppato
Principal Investigator
James Eddy
Principal Investigator
Chris Lee