Discover Space UK
Secured £500k in UKSA funding to develop plans for MACC.
Delivered a Green Book Outline Business Case for £90million.
Established a realistic path to market based on organic growth and meeting the core objectives of the client:
Create high quality jobs for the local community.
Grow the regional economy.
Provide a return investment to local shareholders.
Invested in a Joint Venture to realise the potential of the site.
Horizon scanning of future transportation services.
Supporting innovative programmes to develop supply chains.
Business development with potential site anchor tenants.
Working with partners to design green hydrogen facilities.
Raising finance for a national green liquid hydrogen facility.
Developing specialist research and development capabilities.
Licensing the site for future R&D and operational activities.
Raised collaborative industrial research funding with Reaction.
Established the leading UK rocketry and cansat competition.
Live demonstrator of the potential of the site.
Became de-facto launch operator for training and education.
Building accredited training for next generation STEM.
Developing specialist training through next-gen simulation.
Providing hands-on training to build a payload and launch it as part of a 3-day course.
Building a unique vertical test engine test-stand to support the next generation of propulsion technologies and engineers.